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Showing posts with label math. Show all posts
Showing posts with label math. Show all posts

Mathletic Measurement Events

At the beginning of the year, as I welcome our new third graders into my science room, I start off with a metric measurement mini unit. This review is very important as we dive into our FOSS Earth Materials unit which has the students needing to measure circumference, width, height, weight, and more!

The Common Core State Standards for Math as well as the NGSS Science Standards both emphasize a need for our students to become proficient in measurement.

The fundamentals include:
-perimeter and area
-graphing/reading a graph

This pack covers everyone of those key components except for temperature.

As we help them focus on SI or International System of Units (otherwise know as the metric system) as well as customary standard unit here in the US, we can find fun ways to add math into other areas of their day...such as science!

Take a look at my Mathletes as they participate in the metric measurement stations!

 Metric Measurement Mathletic Stations
Get your mathletes actively learning metrics...Find it HERE on TPT!

I love how the kiddos are measuring volume. They are measuring the water that they squeezed out of a sponge. Practicing how to measure in milliliters is a fun way to learn math!

The standing long jump has them working as a team as they measure distance in centimeters. Once they jump three times they average!

One of my favorite mathletic events is the weight lifting station! Grab those marbles kids! Then measure the weight in grams!


Scavenger Hunt Freebie

Always looking for ways to make your job simpler! Here is another fun way to get kiddos outside and working on science and math! Scavenger hunts are great ways to get our students actively engaged...working with partners...being outside...following and carrying out a plan! Whether in a school garden or in a school yard get the kiddos growing!

Here is a quick freebie to create a fun back to school "field trip"! Take your pick...School Garden or School Yard...


Invertebrates and Symmetry

My school has created an Intervention and Enrichment block of time on our schedule, I/E allows me to work with 13 third graders in an enrichment class. I work with them in reading, writing, science, and math. Our first unit of study had us learning about invertebrates. I used Science A-Z to find a book that focused on this topic. We then used several graphic organizers to learn about non-fiction. We set up a science lesson testing Grow Gators. We tested to see if salt effects the growth rate of our animals. I found a cheaper version of the grow pets at the Dollar Store.We found that salt slows down the growth rate. We then went out to the garden after we learned about symmetry. We learned about rotation, transition, and reflection. We went to the garden to find examples of each type. We traced and even made rubbings. After that, we spent some time in the computer lab. I gave each group a type of invertebrate. They needed to find one picture of an invertebrate that showed rotation, transition, and reflection. We used the flip book to show what we learned typing together reading, writing, science, and math.

Symmetry Sheet
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