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Currently March...5th Yikes

It is currently March 5th and I forgot...almost that it was a new month. Yikes. I am working hard to goal set and use my time more wisely in all aspects of my life. So Currently I am teaming up with Oh Boy It's Farley to take a look at March!

Currently, I am really focusing some of my extra time to learn about the world of TPT. I love the great resources that everyone is making and sharing! There are some great videos out there to watch to learn new ideas!

This weekend...basketball is over....there is no volleyball game today (tomorrow though....) and I am enjoying some time to just sit and focus on me. It is refreshing and needed.

I am hoping for peace and harmony at school. I love my students, but sometimes adults aren't always doing things for the right reasons. I hope I can work through the negative vibes at school and find peace within my own classroom walls as I work to help all of my kiddos succeed.
My hope for the future...

I am going to the TPT conference and am set with my ticket...check! I now have a sweet roommate who I connected with from Texas...so excited to meet her...check! I now have to book a flight which I am hoping to do once I connect with another WI teacher this weekend...would be great to get on the same flight together....in progress! I am getting excited to put faces to the wonderful teachers on
blogs...IG....facebook...and TPT!

Have a great weekend...my doggie needs some lovin'! She is pawing my computer!


  1. It's definitely hard to work in an environment where the staff is not all pushing in the same direction. I hope things smooth out for you soon!

  2. It's definitely hard to work in an environment where people are not getting along. I hope this is resolved soon! I am currently working on getting things in place for TPT Orlando as well!! Very Perry Classroom

  3. Yay! We are going to have to plan a meet up at the conference. I am also sorry to hear about the negativity you are working with. When this happens at my school I close my door and move on with the kids! They are fun! (Grouchy people are not fun!)
    Have a great week!
    Teachers Are Terrific!


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