Leaping Into...the Sunday Scoop

It is Sunday again...time for reflections...time for goals and planning! I was so very lucky to have my second daughter and her boyfriend home for the weekend! With that being said...sometimes life gets a bit behind, but I am all set for the week and I have my goals in check! So here is my Sunday Scoop...

Alright...so I have been really trying to learn some new things...I think you can teach an old dog new tricks...I am trying to learn how to follow periscope and to follow people. I have learned a lot from some really great teachers! So, I have been goal setting better and trying to use my time more wisely at home and at school. Even though I love to talk a bit in the morning...I am really trying to use that time better for setting up for things like my fifth grade kitchen chemistry activities that I need to prepare for!

I also need to finish some projects that I started a while back...those three little kittens and Jack and his beans are waiting for me and planting time is around the corner so I really better get "growing"...I mean going!

I kept up with laundry this week...I know how we add that to our to do list, but I am all good! I am going to give vlogging a whirl soon. That means my blog posts will get a video explanation and a tour of the lesson so that you can make science simple, too! Stay tuned! Until then...
I am having a little Leap Day Sale over at my Science School Yard TPT Store!

Happy Leap Day, tomorrow. I am hopping on over to the coffee shop tomorrow to enjoy some tea with my coffee drinking friend! Here is the poster that has inspired my leap day efforts...
Inline image 2


  1. Vlogging sounds cool! I think that would be super beneficial for science. Good luck!

    Shine on in First Grade

  2. I love nursery rhyme activities!! I hope they turn out well. Good luck getting them completed.
    Curious Firsties

  3. I'll have to check out your vlogging posts! That would be super helpful for science!
    Have a great week,

  4. Love that cute leaping frog on your sale poster! Have a great week!
