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Martin Luther King Jr SCIENCE!

It is another cold day here in Wisconsin and we have only been back for one day so far. We have been off two days due to the cold -40 degree temperature. I have had some time now to create some different and unique science activities that I can't wait to have my teachers use!

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday is a time when we celebrate diversity, resilience, freedom, rights and so much more. What a great opportunity to teach the history...but what about integrating it into science? It should never be a black and white issue...It should be an equality issue. I made some activities based on Dr. King's quotes and integrated it into science lessons based on energy, color, and light...with a spin on black vs. white. Tell me what you think...
Now...more than ever we need to take moments and opportunities to teach about what Martin wanted for all people...

Peace my friends!

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