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Sunday Scoop...Gingerbread!

We have one more week of school...people. One more and then...TWO WEEKS OFF! That...my friends is much needed!  This week...in the Science School Yard...Gingerbread! Almost each grade level in some capacity.

Kinders= gingerbread sink and float
1st graders= Build a trap to catch the Gingerbread man
2nd graders= Gingerbread Solids and Liquids
3rd graders= Gingerbread Water Lesson...Engineering a Boat
4th graders= Gingerbread bone connections
5th graders= Christmas Stations

So here's the scoop... with a fun linky with the Teaching Trio.

I am using my Gingerbread Post FREEBIE,  Gingerbread STEM Pack and Christmas Holiday StationsWinter/Christmas Stations for all of my classes. So here is the scoop...I am so glad for TPT it has made me more creative and my kids love science! HOHOHO...Merry Christmas...blogger friends.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Christmas can be stressful but I try to focus on the time I have with my family. Enjoy it and let go of the rest. Focus on how God has blessed me even if it has been a hard year. I hope you have a great week!
    Tech Crazy Teacher


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