Station 1: Length...measuring with a ruler, measuring with the metric system, and practicing measuring scissors, markers, and our pencil box.
Station 2: Weight...measuring in grams the scissors, markers, and an item that fits in the cup.
Station 3: Volume...measuring in ml 25 ml, 50 ml, and 32 ml.
Now, out to the garden to practice length, weight, and volume.
length...the circumference of our pumpkins and tomatoes.
Tomatoes...our September Harvest of the Month |
weight...10 cherry tomatoes in grams
Volume...40 ml of water to water a plant.
A garden of knowledge was happening today! Measuring up is our goal. Next week, a quick quiz and then back to our garden. Active learning is where it is at. You can not believe the retention of information in our outdoor classroom!
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