My I/E group is working on Rocks and Minerals unit. We read our book and learned about the rock cycle now it was time for our Science and Math component. Why not use this great site to get some ideas to learn about archaeology...

There are some great questions in this book that I have my kiddos working on by using the ipads. They are creating posters that we will hang up to share what we learned. We are also cookie archaeologists. We dug out chocolate chips and compared them to dig sites such as Hot Springs or Jamestown...which I have been to and could share pictures of. Here are my kiddos working on their dig site. Check out
Cookie Archaeology for the unit I used with my kids.
As we shifted into primary sources compared to archaeology we can compare historians using primary sources to tell us about the past, just like artifacts at a dig site. Here are two great sites to use for your students right before Thanksgiving.
First, an interactive site...
Some great videos...
Gobble, Gobble!
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