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Gosh, I haven't been around as often, have I. I have been a busy bee this December. I have been working on some new units to share soon. My recent unit is one that I have to get ready for the summer, College For Kids. Last year, I taught a five day unit based on our local historical museum's traveling trunks. Each day we learned a different time in history. We cooked, created an art project, and learned historical facts based on the themes. My favorite was the pioneer trunk, but who could go wrong with native american history, WWII, Civil War, and Immigration. This year, as a new science diva, I am working with younger students. I have created 6 lessons to use for our 21st century grant at one of my schools, as well as the UWMC. The themes this year are: bubbles, rainbows, seasons, measurement, balloons, and wind. Each day will be packed with a children's book based on our science theme. We will also conduct experiments, create an art activity, do some writing, and if there is time a little bit extra... I can't wait to share it with you.

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